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Guide to Reimbursable Expenses for Small Businesses

July 21, 2024

5 min read

You probably know the feeling of shelling out money for business expenses and waiting for reimbursement. It’s a common scenario for many employees and contractors. And as a small business owner, you understand the frustration of managing these expenses while trying to keep your team happy and your finances in check. Understanding reimbursable expenses can help you manage your finances better and ensure you get paid back promptly. Let’s break down what reimbursable expenses are and how they work.

What are Reimbursable Expenses?

Reimbursable expenses are costs incurred by employees or contractors that are paid back by the company. These expenses typically arise during the course of performing job-related duties. When you spend your own money on business-related activities, the company reimburses you to cover those costs. Examples include travel costs, meals, and supplies. For instance, if you travel for a business meeting, the company covers your flight, hotel, and rental car expenses. Similarly, business meals and entertainment expenses fall under reimbursable costs. Office supplies and equipment needed for work also qualify. As a business owner, you might worry about the financial burden on your employees and the importance of keeping track of these expenses to ensure fair and timely reimbursement. For more insights on managing your finances, check out these beginner finance tips.

Types of Reimbursable Expenses

When you travel for business, you often incur various costs that your company will reimburse. These include flights, hotels, rental cars, and other transportation costs. Whether you’re flying across the country for a conference or driving to a nearby city for a client meeting, these expenses add up. Your company covers these costs to ensure you can focus on your work without worrying about the financial burden. Make sure to keep all receipts and document your travel details to streamline the reimbursement process.

Travel Expenses

When you travel for business, you often incur various costs that your company will reimburse. These include flights, hotels, rental cars, and other transportation costs. Whether you’re flying across the country for a conference or driving to a nearby city for a client meeting, these expenses add up. Your company covers these costs to ensure you can focus on your work without worrying about the financial burden. Make sure to keep all receipts and document your travel details to streamline the reimbursement process.

Meals and Entertainment

Business meals and entertainment expenses also fall under reimbursable expenses. If you take a client out for lunch or dinner, those costs are typically covered. This category also includes expenses for team-building activities or entertaining clients. For example, if you host a dinner to discuss a project or take a client to a sporting event, these costs are reimbursable. It’s important to document the purpose of the meal or entertainment and keep all receipts to ensure smooth reimbursement.

Office Supplies and Equipment

Supplies, equipment, and tools needed for work are another type of reimbursable expense. This can range from basic office supplies like pens and paper to more significant purchases like a new computer or specialized tools required for your job. If you need to buy something to perform your duties effectively, your company will typically cover these costs. Keep detailed records of these purchases, including receipts and any necessary approvals, to facilitate the reimbursement process.

Professional Development

Investing in professional development is often encouraged and supported by companies. Training, conferences, and certifications that enhance your skills and knowledge are usually reimbursable. For instance, if you attend a workshop to improve your project management skills or obtain a certification relevant to your role, these expenses are covered. Document the costs and provide proof of attendance or completion to ensure you receive reimbursement. As a business owner, you know that reimbursing expenses isn't just about paying people back; it's about showing your team that you value their efforts and want to support them.

Benefits of Reimbursing Expenses

Reimbursing expenses shows employees that the company values their contributions. When you cover costs like travel, meals, and supplies, you demonstrate that you care about their financial well-being. This practice makes employees feel appreciated and supported, which can boost morale and job satisfaction. Happy employees are more likely to stay with the company, reducing turnover rates and the costs associated with hiring and training new staff. Additionally, offering reimbursement for professional development opportunities, such as training and certifications, can attract top talent who are eager to grow their skills and advance their careers.

Attracts and Retains Talent

Reimbursing expenses shows employees that the company values their contributions. When you cover costs like travel, meals, and supplies, you demonstrate that you care about their financial well-being. This practice makes employees feel appreciated and supported, which can boost morale and job satisfaction. Happy employees are more likely to stay with the company, reducing turnover rates and the costs associated with hiring and training new staff. Additionally, offering reimbursement for professional development opportunities, such as training and certifications, can attract top talent who are eager to grow their skills and advance their careers. TIP: Learn about the best employee benefits to include in your package to attract and retain top talent.

Boosts Productivity

When employees don't have to worry about out-of-pocket expenses, they can focus more on their work. Knowing that the company will reimburse them for necessary costs allows them to make decisions quickly and efficiently. For example, if an employee needs to travel for a client meeting, they can book flights and accommodations without hesitation, knowing they won't be financially burdened. This streamlined approach reduces stress and distractions, enabling employees to concentrate on their tasks and deliver better results. Moreover, covering expenses for office supplies and equipment ensures that employees have the tools they need to perform their jobs effectively, further enhancing productivity. TIP: Use Homebase’s time clock feature to track employee hours and manage productivity more effectively.

Ensures Compliance

Proper documentation and reimbursement practices help ensure compliance with tax laws and regulations. When you reimburse employees for business-related expenses, it's important to keep accurate records and receipts. This documentation is necessary for tax purposes and can protect the company during audits. By maintaining detailed records of reimbursed expenses, you can justify deductions and avoid potential penalties. Additionally, having a clear reimbursement policy in place helps standardize the process and ensures that all employees follow the same guidelines. This consistency reduces the risk of errors and discrepancies, making it easier to manage expenses and stay compliant with legal requirements. TIP: Stay compliant with tax laws by mastering small business tax compliance. Understanding the reimbursement process helps ensure you get paid back quickly and accurately for any business-related expenses. Here’s a straightforward breakdown of how it works:

How Does the Reimbursement Process Work?

Understanding the reimbursement process helps ensure you get paid back quickly and accurately for any business-related expenses. Here’s a straightforward breakdown of how it works: First, you need to submit an expense report. This report should include all relevant receipts. Whether you’ve paid for a business lunch, travel expenses, or office supplies, keep those receipts handy. They serve as proof of the expenses incurred and are necessary for the reimbursement process. Once you’ve compiled your expense report, submit it to your manager or the accounting department. This step is crucial as it initiates the review process. Make sure your report is detailed and includes all necessary documentation to avoid delays. A well-organized report speeds up approval and ensures you get reimbursed without any issues. The next step involves the review and approval of your submitted expenses. Your manager or the accounting department will go through your expense report to verify the legitimacy of the expenses. They check that all expenses comply with company policy and that all receipts are valid. This review process helps maintain transparency and ensures that only eligible expenses are reimbursed. After your expenses are approved, the reimbursement is processed. You will receive the reimbursed amount either through your paycheck or as a separate payment. The method of reimbursement can vary depending on the company’s policy. Some companies prefer to include reimbursements in the regular payroll cycle, while others may issue separate payments to ensure quicker processing. This simple yet effective process ensures that you are reimbursed for any business-related expenses you incur. By following these steps and keeping accurate records, you can make the reimbursement process smooth and hassle-free. TIP: Use free payroll apps to manage reimbursements efficiently. Creating a reimbursement policy might seem daunting, but it's crucial for maintaining financial clarity and fairness in your business.

How to Create a Reimbursement Policy

Start by clearly outlining what expenses are covered. This step helps avoid confusion and ensures everyone knows what qualifies for reimbursement. Common reimbursable expenses include travel costs, meals, office supplies, and professional development. Specify each category in detail. For travel expenses, include flights, hotels, rental cars, and other transportation costs. For meals, cover business-related dining and entertainment. Office supplies should include items like pens, paper, and equipment necessary for work. Professional development might encompass training sessions, conferences, and certifications. Providing a comprehensive list helps employees understand what they can claim and reduces the likelihood of disputes.

Define Eligible Expenses

Start by clearly outlining what expenses are covered. This step helps avoid confusion and ensures everyone knows what qualifies for reimbursement. Common reimbursable expenses include travel costs, meals, office supplies, and professional development. Specify each category in detail. For travel expenses, include flights, hotels, rental cars, and other transportation costs. For meals, cover business-related dining and entertainment. Office supplies should include items like pens, paper, and equipment necessary for work. Professional development might encompass training sessions, conferences, and certifications. Providing a comprehensive list helps employees understand what they can claim and reduces the likelihood of disputes. TIP: Check out this payroll guide for small businesses to ensure your reimbursement policy aligns with payroll processes.

Set Spending Limits

Establish maximum amounts for each type of expense. Setting spending limits ensures that expenses remain within budget and prevents excessive claims. For instance, set a daily limit for meals and a cap on hotel rates. Define acceptable price ranges for flights and rental cars. For office supplies, specify the maximum allowable cost for individual items. Professional development expenses should have a clear budget, covering registration fees, travel, and accommodation. These limits help manage costs and ensure fair reimbursement practices. Communicate these limits clearly to all employees, so they know the boundaries for their expense claims. TIP: Simplify your finances with these stress-free finance tips.

Outline the Submission Process

Explain how employees should submit expense reports and receipts. A clear submission process streamlines reimbursement and reduces errors. Require employees to fill out an expense report detailing each expense, including dates, amounts, and business purposes. Attach all relevant receipts to the report. Specify acceptable formats for receipts, such as digital copies or scanned images. Provide a template or form for expense reports to ensure consistency. Outline the timeline for submissions, such as within 30 days of incurring the expense. This process ensures that all necessary information is captured and makes it easier for the accounting department to review and approve claims.

Communicate the Policy

Share the policy with all employees and provide training if needed. Communication is key to ensuring everyone understands the reimbursement policy. Distribute the policy document through email, the company intranet, or during team meetings. Make it easily accessible for future reference. Consider holding training sessions to walk employees through the policy, explaining eligible expenses, spending limits, and the submission process. Address any questions or concerns during these sessions. Regularly remind employees about the policy, especially when updates or changes occur. Clear communication helps prevent misunderstandings and ensures compliance with the reimbursement policy. Managing reimbursable expenses can be a headache, but with the right strategies, you can make it a breeze. {{banner-cta}}

5 Tips for Managing Reimbursable Expenses

Using expense management software simplifies the reimbursement process and ensures accuracy. This software automates the submission, approval, and reimbursement of expenses. Employees can easily upload receipts and submit expense reports through a user-friendly interface. Automation reduces manual errors and speeds up the process, making it more efficient for both employees and the accounting department. The software also provides real-time tracking, so you can monitor expenses and approvals at any time. This transparency helps maintain control over company finances and ensures that all expenses are accounted for properly.

Use an Expense Management Software

Using expense management software simplifies the reimbursement process and ensures accuracy. This software automates the submission, approval, and reimbursement of expenses. Employees can easily upload receipts and submit expense reports through a user-friendly interface. Automation reduces manual errors and speeds up the process, making it more efficient for both employees and the accounting department. The software also provides real-time tracking, so you can monitor expenses and approvals at any time. This transparency helps maintain control over company finances and ensures that all expenses are accounted for properly.

Enforce the Policy Consistently

Consistency is key when managing reimbursable expenses. Ensure all employees follow the same rules and guidelines. This means applying the reimbursement policy uniformly across the organization. When everyone adheres to the same standards, it reduces confusion and potential disputes. Consistent enforcement also helps maintain fairness, as all employees are treated equally regarding expense claims. Make sure managers understand the policy and enforce it within their teams. Regular training sessions and reminders can help keep everyone on the same page and prevent any deviations from the established guidelines.

Review Expenses Regularly

Regularly reviewing expenses helps catch any issues or discrepancies early on. Set a schedule for periodic reviews of submitted expense reports. This can be done monthly or quarterly, depending on the volume of expenses. During these reviews, look for any unusual patterns or inconsistencies. Verify that all expenses comply with the reimbursement policy and that receipts are valid. Regular reviews also help identify any potential fraud or misuse of company funds. By staying vigilant, you can address problems promptly and ensure that all reimbursed expenses are legitimate and necessary.

Provide Clear Guidelines

Providing clear guidelines ensures employees understand what is and isn't covered. Outline the types of expenses eligible for reimbursement and any spending limits. Use straightforward language to avoid any misunderstandings. Include examples of acceptable and non-acceptable expenses to give employees a better idea of what to expect. Make the guidelines easily accessible, such as in an employee handbook or on the company intranet. Clear guidelines help employees make informed decisions about their expenses and reduce the likelihood of submitting non-reimbursable claims. Regularly update the guidelines to reflect any changes in company policy or tax regulations. TIP: Manage your finances better with these cash flow tips.

Keep Detailed Records

Maintaining accurate records is vital for tax purposes and audits. Keep detailed records of all reimbursed expenses, including receipts, expense reports, and approval documentation. Organize these records in a systematic way, such as by date or expense category. Digital records can be stored in the expense management software, making them easy to retrieve when needed. Detailed records provide a clear audit trail, which is important for compliance with tax laws and regulations. They also help resolve any disputes or questions about specific expenses. By keeping thorough records, you ensure transparency and accountability in the reimbursement process. TIP: Protect your financial health with these money management hacks.


  • What: Reimbursable expenses are costs paid back by the company.
  • So What: They help manage finances and ensure prompt repayment.
  • Pros & Cons: Pros: attract talent, boost productivity, ensure compliance; Cons: financial burden, record-keeping.
  • Bottom Line: Clear policies and tools streamline the process and support employees.

By following these tips and utilizing the right tools, you can manage reimbursable expenses effectively, ensuring a smooth and efficient process for both you and your employees. Ready to simplify managing reimbursable expenses for your team? Try Homebase today for easy scheduling, payroll, and HR management. Sign up now and streamline your business operations!

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Remember: This is not legal advice. If you have questions about your particular situation, please consult a lawyer, CPA, or other appropriate professional advisor or agency.

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